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By default scl uses a user specific configuration file located at ~/.config/shell-command-logger/config. If this file does not exist, the system wide configuration file at /etc/shell-command-logger/config is used instead. If none of these files exist, the default configuration is used.

If a configuration file does not define a value (for example after an update), the default value is used instead.

Viewing config

You can view the current configuration using the following command:

scl config

To get a specific value, you can use:

scl config --get <key>

Example usage:

scl config --get data-directory

Modifying config

You can change the config by modifying the configuration file manually or by using the following command:

scl config --set <key> <value>

Example usage:

scl config --set data-directory '~/.shell-command-logs/'

If you want to reset all settings to the default, you can use the following command:

scl config --defaults


The following values are used in the configuration file:

Setting Type Description
data-directory string The directory to store the output files in
create-readme bool Create a README file in the data directory
command-format string The format to use when selecting commands with scl replay
replay-speed float The speed to replay commands with. Bigger values mean faster
script-output-limit string The value to pass to script for the --output-limit parameter
file-name-random-bytes integer The number of random bytes to append to file names.
Each byte is represented by 2 hexadecimal characters
fzf-command string The command used by scl replay to interactively select a command

Last update: 2022-06-19